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Designed and produced in Sweden
+46 (0)10-4804700 | Resellers


We would like to draw your attention to the fact that placing an order with Clickitup.se is to be considered as an acceptance of all the following terms and conditions and warranty obligations. ClickitUp® is a product family positioned under ErgoSafe AB and therefore we hereinafter refer to ErgoSafe in the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions apply from February 6, 2018.

Payment terms are 10 days net, after the usual credit checks. ErgoSafe has the right to the goods until full payment has been received. Interest on overdue payment, currently 1.5% per month and statutory reminder fee, is applied.

Payment in advance
We offer advance payment as a payment option. Speak to your seller if you have any questions about this.

Part payment – Interest-free credit
ErgoSafe can, in cooperation with Svea Ekonomi, offer interest-free payments according to Svea Ekonomi’s terms. You also have the option to choose part payment. link to svea

Terms of delivery

Delivery times
Standard sizes are usually sent within 2-3 weeks. The haulier then requires up to a week to deliver your order. Delivery times may be slightly longer during high season. You always receive an estimated delivery date from us on your order confirmation. Changes to the notified delivery week always result in a rebooking cost of SEK 1000 for you the customer.

On all orders above SEK 15,000 incl. VAT are sent freight free (SEK 0). On orders less than SEK 15,000 incl. VAT there is an additional freight charge of SEK 1500 incl. VAT. Freight applies within Sweden’s borders.

Truck deliveries
Large goods are delivered by truck to the boundary of your plot. The estimated delivery week is stated on your order confirmation. The delivery day is determined by our haulier and cannot be influenced by ErgoSafe.

Important! It is your responsibility that you have provided the correct telephone number, are reachable and can receive the delivery at the specified delivery interval and that the truck has access. Otherwise, a rebooking cost of SEK 1000 will be added.

Prepare a free path so that the goods can be unloaded on site. If you are unsure of the accessibility at the unloading site – discuss it with our logistics department no later than two days after order. (telephone logistics department +48 (0)10-480 47 00 ). It is your responsibility that the truck has a passable route all the way to the unloading site. It is also possible to meet at a passable unloading site to have the goods delivered to your own means of transport – at no extra charge. In the event a special vehicle/transport is needed, this cost will be charged in full to you as the customer. The cost is calculated by our logistics department and will be presented to you before you place your order.

Delivery delays
Due to circumstances beyond our control (production levels at sub-contractors, transport conflicts, accidents, strikes, etc.) together with pressures during the high season – it sometimes occurs that deliveries are delayed. As you receive an estimated delivery week, we recommend that you book tradesman with a few weeks’ margin, to ensure you have received a complete delivery. According to law, we are entitled to send replacement goods if something is missing, incorrect or damaged, and thus do not reimburse costs incurred due to downtime, etc.

Delivery to islands
When delivering to an island without a fixed connection, we deliver to ground level at the departing quay. The Swedish Transport Administration’s ferries are considered a fixed connection. Some ferry companies require goods to be sea-packaged, we can do this for you at a fixed cost of SEK 995. If you have any questions – please call our transport department (+46 (0)10-480 47 00 ).

Goods reception

The recipient must be able to identify themselves and be of legal age. The recipient must be helpful when unloading the delivery and assist the driver with this work. Check the goods with the driver so that the number of packages corresponds with the consignment note/hand terminal. You must comment any visible damage to the packaging or goods or if a package is missing, in writing on the consignment note in connection with reception. Visible damage and missing packages must be noted by the driver directly on the consignment note/hand terminal before the goods are signed for.

Concealed damage that cannot be established during goods reception, must be reported within 6 days. It is therefore important that you remove the packaging and check all your products carefully directly after the delivery. Note that straps must not be released until the sections are assembled, see the enclosed instruction manual. Always document damage using photographs and enclose them when making your claim. Always save the damaged goods until ErgoSafe has assessed the case.

If you make an agreement with the shipper that the goods may be delivered without receipt for the goods responsibility for the goods transfers to you as soon as the delivery has been made.

Skadan eller avsaknaden anmäls därefter snarast av dig till ErgoSafe AB. Synlig skada på godset måste anmälas till ErgoSafe samma dag gods används. Är det en icke synlig skada som först syns vid uppackning, men som kan härledas till transport av gods, skall denna anmälas senast 6 dagar efter mottagen leverans. Tveka inte att kontakta ErgoSafe vid frågor om skador på gods orsakade under eller i samband med transport. Kontaktuppgifter ErgoSafe AB

Cancellation or right of withdrawal

Standard size

As a customer of ErgoSafe you are always entitled to cancel goods prior to their delivery, but Ergosafe has the right to be compensated for all costs that have been incurred prior to the cancellation. A standard fee is charged for cancellations made prior to the goods being packed of SEK 1000 for truck deliveries and SEK 200 for packet deliveries.

For cancellations after the goods have been packed, but before they are delivered to you, you will be charged the actual costs incurred for your order before the cancellation.

Right of withdrawal
When you make a purchase from ErgoSafe you have a statutory right of withdrawal after the goods have been delivered. However, the right of withdrawal does not apply for customised balustrades (see the section “Cancellation or Right of withdrawal – order goods”).

If you utilise you right of withdrawal, you may, of course, look at and examine the goods. Remember though to handle the goods carefully and only to the extent necessary to determine the nature, properties and function of the goods. A guide is that you may handle the goods as you would be allowed to do so when inspecting in a store. If you have handled the goods more than what is permitted, you are responsible for the reduced value of the goods. In the event of repayments, we are entitled to deduct for the depreciation that arises.

If you wish to withdrawal from your purchase, you must notify us within 14 days from when you received your goods. For partial deliveries, the withdrawal period starts to come into effect first when you have received the last product. You can, if you like, use the Swedish Consumer Agency’s withdrawal form. It is enough if you have sent the message within the withdrawal period. In the case of a withdrawal, you are responsible for the return shipping. As ErgoSafe’s goods are generally large/heavy, this involves a high cost for you as a customer to return a withdrawn purchase. Therefore, we provide a service which means that in the event of a withdrawn purchase, we charge a fixed return shipping cost of SEK 3000 for truck returns and SEK 200 for package returns. Please note that failure to collect a package or not accepting a delivery is not considered to be a utilisation of your right of withdrawal. Failure to collect a package or not accepting a delivery always involves an extra charge for you as the customer. For truck deliveries this cost is SEK 3000 and for package deliveries SEK 200.

Customer unique goods, customised sizes

Vid beställning hos ErgoSafe får du alltid ett ordererkännande som skall kontrolleras så att allt stämmer. Läs bilagan som bifogas vid order här. Er order sätts ej i produktion förrän ni har bekräftat Orderbekräftelsen via mail eller brev. Du måste inom 24 timmar anmäla att det godkända ordererkännandet är felaktigt eller om du vill ändra något. Om varan avbeställs inom 24 timmar utgår ingen extra kostnad.

However, after 24 hours, you are still entitled to cancel your order before it is delivered to you, but you will then be debited all of ErgoSafe’s incurred costs (material, labour, shipping costs, etc.).

The right of withdrawal does not apply to customised goods (customer unique goods). I.e., a withdrawal is not possible once the goods have been delivered to you.

Consumer complaints

ErgoSafe applies the Consumer Purchases Act, which gives you the right to make a compliant about a product within 3 years. The prerequisite is that you must be able to prove that the defect existed at the time of purchase. In the event of a dispute, we observe decisions made by the National Swedish Board for Consumer Complaints (ARN).

If you wish to complain about a product, you should first and foremost contact ErgoSafe. If, contrary to expectations, we do not agree, there is an opportunity to turn to the National Swedish Board for Consumer Complaints (ARN) for consideration: ARN, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm or http://www.arn.se/. In the event of a dispute, we participate in the dispute resolution process and follow ARN’s recommendations. For alternative dispute resolution online within EU countries, there is also the EU commission’s platform, ec.europa.eu. Click here to access the European commission’s website for dispute resolution online: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


  • ErgoSafe does not reimburse costs due to incorrect installation; possible dismantling, any consequential damages, transport, labour costs, etc. Neither does ErgoSafe’s warranty undertaking apply to faults caused by the purchaser or those engaged by the purchaser. The warranty undertaking does not apply if the installation/maintenance instructions are not observed. In the event of damage caused by weather phenomena – contact your insurance company immediately.
  • ClickitUp – 2-year warranty covering processing and material faults. The warranty also covers glass in terms of fabrication faults (we observe the Swedish Plate Glass Association’s (SPF) provisions). The warranty does not cover faults caused due to abnormal wear or inadequate maintenance.
  • CiU Fixed – 2-year warranty covering processing and material faults. The warranty also covers glass in terms of fabrication faults (we observe the Swedish Plate Glass Association’s (SPF) provisions). The warranty does not cover faults caused due to abnormal wear or inadequate maintenance.

Validity of prices

We reserve the right to change prices due to exchange rate fluctuations, devaluations, VAT increases or the like that are beyond our control. VAT is included in all prices.


Other payment and delivery terms apply to orders that are to be delivered outside of Sweden. The prices on the Swedish website apply only to deliveries to Swedish addresses.


ErgoSafe, together with our sub-suppliers, constantly improve and develop our products. We therefore reserve the right to make continuous design changes. Also, with reservation, due to technical reasons, for any typographical errors, printing errors and deviations in colour reproduction.

Orders may be cancelled if the item is ordered at an incorrect or unreasonably low price. We always refer to current prices/promotional prices and in the event of temporary errors on, for example, the website, we reserve the right to cancel orders that have been ordered at a price that does not correlate with prices/promotional prices marketed in other channels. 


Those who receive our advertised offers can, of course, opt out of these. Notify us at info@ergosafe.se